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Here i am. I still shake, i still waver, but I've grown steady. I, myself, am astonished and awed by the unlikeness of it. So softly i whisper sometimes, "I made it through". As humanly as i know how. It turned out to be a good kind of maddening, as my chest swells, wading through the currents, keeping afloat through the tides. I learned soon enough that the pattern of my existence hardly ever goes as planned. and in the multitude of all my losses, wave after wave, i have proven myself to be unsinkable. // April 2017// Floating Cottage, San Roque, Guimaras Island

Floating Cottage Guimaras
Suba Malawig Mangrove Eco-Tour
San Roque Coastline, Guimaras Island
What to expect on a 3 hour Sail:
-swim in the crystal clear water in the floating cottage (50php fee)
-river cruise
-sandbars stopover
-see islets/rock formations
How to Get there: Group of 4
1.Boat ride from Iloilo Ortiz Wharf- Guimaras Wharf (10 minutes)
2. Log in at the Guimaras environmental/ tourism office
3. Hire a multicab or van to the boating site (Guimaras wharf to boating site- 1 hour max 1400php rountrip)
4. Rent a boat. Enjoy the two hour sail (500php + 200 for succeeding hours)
What To bring:
-swimwear/extra clothes
-personal necessities
-food, snacks, water

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